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Benefits of Using UI UX Services in App Dev

28 December 2023

Renovating old applications with new designs is an important strategy in application development. In this article, we will discuss why using UI UX services in application development has significant benefits. Apart from that, we will also look at the application development process with UI UX services, the advantages of using UI UX services, and the latest trends in UI UX for application development.


Key Takeaways

  • Improve user experience
  • Increase the level of user trust
  • Increase user retention
  • Increase conversions and sales
  • Improve development efficiency


Why Choose UI UX Services for Your Application Development

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Improve User Experience

Renovating old applications with new designs is not only a necessity, but also a strategy to maintain their appeal and provide the best potential solutions for users. The new design brings visual freshness and improved functionality, enhancing the overall user experience. Once a renovation has been completed, an app can better compete in a changing market, capturing the attention of new users and retaining existing ones. In this context, Renovation brings a number of benefits.


Increase User Trust Level

Changing design trends, technological advances, or shifting user preferences can make your app outdated. In this context, Renovation brings a number of benefits:

  • Improved User Experience: The new design brings visual freshness and increased functionality, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Create a Competitive Edge for Your Competitors: Renovated apps can better compete in a changing market, capturing the attention of new users and retaining existing ones. Don’t let your competitors pass you by.
  • Adaptation to Latest Technology: Integration of latest technology gives the app access to advanced features and keeps it relevant in the current technological era.


Increase User Retention

Increasing user retention is one of the key factors in the success of an app. In the ever-growing digital era, users have many choices of applications that they can use. Therefore, it is important for app developers to ensure that users remain interested and engaged with their apps. Here are some strategies that can be used to increase user retention:

  • Functionality Improvements : Add new features that are useful for users. For example, social media integration, real-time notifications, or elements of artificial intelligence or AI.
  • Attractive Design : Update the application interface design to make it look fresher and more attractive. An attractive design will make users interested in continuing to use the application.
  • Testing and Evaluation : Conduct regular testing and evaluation to ensure that the application functions well and meets user needs.

By implementing these strategies, app developers can increase user retention and ensure the success of their apps in a competitive market.


Increase Conversions and Sales

Increasing conversions and sales is the main goal of every app. By using UI UX services , you can achieve better results in this regard. An attractive and intuitive interface design will make users more interested in using your application. Apart from that, users will also feel more comfortable and easier in making transactions, thereby increasing conversion rates. With increased conversions, you will also get a significant increase in sales.

The following are some of the benefits of using graphic design services in application development:

  • Increase the visual appeal of your app
  • Strengthen your brand identity
  • Increase professional impression and credibility

By using quality UI UX services, you can increase conversions and sales of your app in a fun and effective way.


Application Development Process with UI UX Services

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User Research

User research is an important first step in the application development process. By conducting in-depth research into user needs and preferences, you can better understand what your users want. Increased organic traffic is one of the results you can achieve through good user research.

By understanding user needs, you can optimize your marketing and SEO strategies to increase your app’s visibility in search engines. Additionally, user research also helps you identify problems and errors that may exist in your application, so that you can make necessary improvements to improve the user experience.



After conducting in-depth user research, the next step in the application development process with UI UX services is creating a prototype. Prototyping is an important stage in testing and validating design ideas before fully implementing them.

In prototyping, the UI UX team will use various tools and techniques to create a visual representation of the application to be developed. This prototype will provide a real picture of how the application will function and interact with users.

Apart from that, prototyping also allows users to provide input and feedback before the application is actually developed. This allows the development team to make necessary improvements and adjustments before moving on to the next stage.

The following are the steps in making a prototype using UI UX services:

  1. Identify the main features of the app and its intended use.
  2. Make a rough sketch or wireframe of the application interface.
  3. Add design elements such as colors, icons, and fonts to provide a more attractive visual impression.
  4. Create interactions between elements in the prototype to simulate the user experience.
  5. Test prototypes with users to get feedback and necessary improvements.

By using UI UX services in prototyping, you can ensure that the application you are developing has an attractive, functional design and meets user needs.


Attractive Interface Design

Interface Design (UI Design) Updates: A modern and user-friendly UI UX design is key. Consider eye-catching layouts, attractive colors, and easily recognizable icons to create a striking visual experience. Application Function Optimization: Make sure the application runs smoothly and is responsive. Optimize load times, reduce bugs, and ensure that every feature works properly.


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Testing and Evaluation

After the prototyping process is complete, the next step is to test and evaluate the application . This testing is important to ensure that the application developed is of good quality and meets user needs. In this testing, the UI UX team will carry out various tests and evaluations of the application, such as functionality testing, speed testing, and responsiveness testing. The results of this testing will be used to make improvements and improvements before the application is officially launched.


Benefits of Using UI UX Services in Application Development

Ui ux design

Increase Development Efficiency

In application development, efficiency is very important. By using UI UX services, you can increase the efficiency of your application development in the following ways:

  1. User Research : Conduct in-depth research on user needs and preferences. By understanding your users better, you can direct your app development more precisely.
  2. Prototyping : Create a prototype of the application before starting full development. This will help you identify and fix problems early.
  3. Attractive Interface Design : An attractive and intuitive interface design will make users feel at home using your application. Use attractive colors, layouts, and icons to create a striking visual experience.
  4. Testing and Evaluation : Perform regular testing to ensure that the application runs smoothly and is responsive. Identify and fix bugs as quickly as possible to avoid bigger problems down the road.

By following these steps, you can increase the efficiency of your app development and produce better, faster products.


Reduce Repair Costs

Reduce bugs, and ensure that every feature works properly. Add useful new features. This could be social media integration, real-time notifications, or even artificial intelligence or AI elements. Clear examples of successful app renovations are Gojek , Tokopedia, and Grab , which adopted new designs to improve user experience and expand the functionality of their apps.

Renovation brings a number of benefits, including: improving the overall user experience, creating a competitive advantage over your competitors, and adapting to the latest technology.


Increasing Competitive Advantage

In today’s competitive world, having a competitive advantage is very important to win the market. One way to achieve competitive advantage is to use UI UX services in your application development. By using UI UX services, you can ensure that the appearance design of your application is attractive and attractive to users. An attractive appearance design will make users interested in using your application and provide a pleasant experience.

Apart from that, UI UX services also help increase application development efficiency. By conducting user research and prototyping, you can better identify user needs and reduce the risk of errors in development. This will save time and repair costs in the future.

Not only that, using UI UX services can also increase user satisfaction. With good interface design and careful testing, you can ensure that users can easily use your app without experiencing any difficulties. This will make users feel satisfied and increase their loyalty to your application.

So, if you want to have a competitive advantage and win the market, there’s no harm in using UI UX services in developing your application. Get an attractive appearance design , high development efficiency, and maximum user satisfaction by using UI UX services.


Increase User Satisfaction

Increasing user satisfaction is one of the main goals in application development. By using UI UX services, you can ensure that your application provides a satisfying user experience. Your business will benefit significantly with increased user satisfaction. Here are some of the benefits you can get:

  • Increase user loyalty. With an attractive interface design and good user experience, users will be more likely to stick with your app.
  • Improve user recommendations. When users are satisfied with your app, they are more likely to recommend it to others.
  • Increase user retention. By providing a good user experience, you can increase user retention rates and reduce churn rates.

Tip: Always pay attention to user needs and desires in your app development. By understanding what they want, you can create an app that truly satisfies them.


Latest Trends in UI UX for App Development

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Responsive Design

Responsive design is one of the latest trends in UI UX for app development. In this fast-paced digital era, users access applications via various devices, such as smartphones, tablets and desktops. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your app can adapt to various screen sizes and still provide an optimal user experience.

By using responsive design, you can ensure that your app still looks and functions well across all Best eCommerce platforms. This will increase user satisfaction and make your app more competitive in the market .


Use of Animation

The use of animation in application development has very important benefits. Animation can enhance the user experience by providing engaging and enjoyable interactions. Apart from that, animation can also increase the level of user trust in the application. With smooth and responsive animation, users will feel that the application is of good quality and reliable.

Additionally, the use of animation can also increase user retention . With attractive animations, users will be more interested in using the application repeatedly. This can help increase user loyalty to the application.

Not only that, the use of animation can also increase conversions and sales . The right animation can help clarify information and guide users to take certain actions, such as making a purchase or registering as a new user.

With all these benefits, it is not surprising that the use of animation in application development is increasingly popular and has become the latest trend in UI UX.


Implementation of Dark Mode

Implementing Dark Mode is one of the latest trends in UI UX for application development. Dark Mode provides an engaging visual experience with a darker appearance and high contrast.

This feature not only provides cool aesthetics, but also has practical benefits. Some of the benefits of using Dark Mode in application development are:

  • Improves user comfort by reducing eye fatigue when using the application in low lighting conditions.
  • Saves battery power on devices with OLED or AMOLED screens, because the black pixels on these screens do not require energy.
  • Strengthen the brand image by providing a unique and modern appearance.

Implement Dark Mode in your app to provide a better experience to users and increase your app’s competitiveness.


Use of Voice User Interface

The use of Voice User Interface (VUI) is one of the latest trends in UI UX for application development. By using VUI, users can interact with applications via voice, making the user experience more interactive and enjoyable. VUI also allows users to perform tasks quickly and easily, without needing to use their hands.

Some of the advantages of using VUI in application development are:

  • Improve application accessibility for users with physical or visual limitations.
  • Speed ​​up the process of user interaction with the application.
  • Adds a modern and innovative impression to the application.

By implementing VUI, your application will become more attractive , easier to use, and provide a better user experience. So, don’t hesitate to use VUI in your app development!

The latest trends in UI UX for application development are increasingly becoming a major concern for developers and designers. In an ever-evolving digital world, users increasingly expect a good and intuitive user experience when using applications. Therefore, it is important for developers to keep up with the latest trends in UI UX to ensure their apps remain relevant and competitive. One of the latest trends is responsive design, where apps can adjust their appearance well across different devices.

In addition, the use of animation and microinteractions is also increasingly popular in UI UX, because they can increase user interaction with the application. To achieve extraordinary success, you can contact us now via our contact page. Together with CWORKS , we are ready to help you realize your business needs. Let’s start now!



Renovating old apps with new designs is a smart move to improve user experience, create a competitive edge, and adapt to the latest technology. With attractive interface design updates and application function optimization, your application can become the best among competitors. Don’t miss the opportunity to update your application and contact us to help renovate your application with a new, better design. Get a better user experience and stay relevant in the current era of technology. Do not hesitate to contact us . Let’s improve your app together!


Why is using UI UX services in application development important?

Using UI UX services in application development is important because it can improve user experience, increase user trust levels, increase user retention, and increase conversions and sales.

What is the application development process with UI UX services?

The application development process with UI UX services includes user research, prototyping, attractive interface design, and testing and evaluation.

What are the advantages of using UI UX services in application development?

The advantages of using UI UX services in application development include increasing development efficiency, reducing repair costs, increasing competitive advantage, and increasing user satisfaction.

What are the latest trends in UI UX for app development?

Current trends in UI UX for application development include responsive design, use of animation, implementation of dark mode, and use of voice user interface.

How to improve user experience in app development?

Some ways to improve the user experience in application development are by optimizing the interface design, improving application performance, and integrating useful new features.

Is it important to renovate an old app with a new design?

Renovating legacy apps with new designs is important to maintain app relevance, improve user experience, and compete with competitors.

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